In times of change new and resilient organizational processes are needed. Enhance the capabilities of your organization to become innovative, agile, flexible, responsive to change, transparent, participative and collaborative.
Become a Next-Generation organization.
Executives and organizations that participate in our Organizational Development solutions navigate successfully through times of rapid change.
Our solutions, Organizational Navigation™ and Team Navigation™ cascade from each other, using the same compass, thus allowing alignment and engagement throughout the organization. Teams and organizations navigate through strategic planning, alignment and execution processes.
How does it work?
1. Preparation:
A process of interviews, web based assessments and analysis and finally customization of the solution to the findings.
2. Face to Face intervention:
A two-day interactive facilitated process creating together the next phase of the team or organization using the N.E.W.S.® Compass™.
3. Implementation:
Four annual check points
Optional N.E.W.S. ® Executive Coaching™.
Post-process assessments after 3 months to assess ROI.
Fast ∙ Deep ∙ Strategic
In changing circumstances and market situations the senior leadership team must reassess, decide and redirect the entire organization frequently together.
Failing to do this in a timely manner leads to stagnation.
Organizational Navigation™ is a yearly process based on two days structured strategic navigation process for senior leadership teams, creating together the next phase of the organization’s strategy and focus. It is followed by quarterly review meeting to ensure that the process remains on track.
You will benefit from the Organizational Navigation™ when you need to on-board a new CEO; when you have a new management team or new team members; when there is a need to change the organization’s strategy or when facing a major change in the organizational environment; when there is a need to create alignment and cooperation within your Executive Team; or when you need a clear and structured process to run an executive annual off-site event.
Fast and deep, structured, in-bound and outbound, consensus-yielding, high impact, engaging, focusing, and results-oriented.
What can you expect?
- A fast and deep process based on two days structured strategic workshop.
- A High impact process creating commitment, engagement and renewed motivation.
- Outstanding business results with a globally proven track record and clear deliverables for the next phase of the organization.
Driving Change Together
In rapid changing environment and rapid organizational changes, every team needs to realign itself to the bigger picture.
Failing to do that, the team will not be able to deliver the expected results.
Team Navigation™ is a yearly process based on two days structured navigation for organic teams throughout the organization, creating together the next phase of the team progress and alignment.
You will benefit from the Team Navigation™ process when you need to cascade a new organizational strategy to teams throughout the organization, when there are teams facing change, when there is a new team leader, when you are going on an annual offsite for planning the next year or as a team building process.
Fast and deep, structured, created together, team building, high impact, engaging, focusing and result-oriented.
What can you expect?
- A fast, deep and structured process of two days joint navigation based on the N.E.W.S.® Compass
- High impact, engaging and motivating process that leads to alignment, commitment and accountability of team members.
- Results oriented clear deliverables with excellent track record globally.
Contact us to receive the comprehensive process outline for either Team Navigation™ or Organizational Navigation™.
Let our experts give you a clear overview of our Accountability Training and Leadership solutions.