Coaching and Coaching Conversation

You may be looking to create a successful coaching culture among your teams and across the organization to reap the pronounced benefits of coaching in driving performance and growing people in their capabilities and talents. Here we share our coaching approaches to individual as well as group coaching and our coaching solutions.

One-on-one coaching sessions are private and confidential sessions that focus on individually coaching on behavioral patterns as well as broadening of mindsets that realises a person’s potential. Coaching methodology may follow practices of Neuro-Linguistics or models within the ICF coaching techniques. An example is the use of GROW coaching model.

Culture Forte Coaching Solutions with SoundWave® and CoachingOurselves®

I. The Coaching Process

Coaching sessions differ for each individual and are customised to the individual’s needs. Broadly speaking, possible coaching steps are:

A. Establishing Coaching Goals and Outcome:

1.  First meeting with coach.  Purpose: to ascertain the coaching objective and goals of the candidate desiring coaching.

2.  First meeting with candidate’s manager or sponsor.  Purpose: to ascertain the goals and desired outcome of the manager or sponsor.

3.  If 1 and 2 are not aligned, a third meeting would be required before coaching begins. This is critical check-point to ensure successful coaching outcome for all parties.

4.  Sharing between coach and candidate on any information regarding candidate’s company’s or group’s objectives, vision, directions, or organisation structure.

B. Starting Coaching:

5. Shadowing:  It may be important to know the environment that a candidate is operating within.  Hence, a coach may attend meetings or presentation sessions where the candidate is involved.  This provides useful insight of the candidate’s behaviour and style.  This is usually onsite where the coach observes quietly from the back of the room.

6.  Regular Private 1:1 Coaching Sessions.  These are conducted either over the telephone, video conference or face-to-face.  Since the most effective session is face-to-face, this is the preferred mode of conduct.  Coaching sessions usually last for a period of 6 months to have effect.  Frequency of the sessions depends on the candidate, which could be once a week to once a month.

7.  Review Sessions:  In the midst of the coaching period, there would be mid-point check-in with the candidate’s manager or sponsor to ensure that the progress is visible.

8.  Closing session:  At the end of a coaching period (6 months or 12 months), a closing review session concludes the coaching sessions.  At this meeting, the coaching goals and lessons learnt are reviewed, ensuring that the candidate’s ongoing self-development continues and resources are available to the candidate.

II. Other Coaching Approaches

1.  Quick Fixes: Sometimes a candidate requires some quick behavioural changes or actions to be changed.  Examples of some of these are: Executive Presence Skills or Confidence in Front of Large Groups or Influencing Peers.  These are more specific areas to work on with a candidate.

2.  Team Coaching:  There are situations where a small group needs to be coached as a team.  Usually this involves lack of team spirit or the team is demotivated.  Other times, it is a team of experienced people coming together to form a new team.  The diverse experiences and seniority create dynamics which is unproductive.  In situations like this, usually a psychometric assessment exercise is applied to help the team recognize different behavioural styles or personality types.

3.  Business Coaching.  At times, when a business is not achieving some goals, coaches are engaged to help the team facilitate the discovery or troubleshoot the business problems.  Subject matter experience of the business is usually not required because it is not the subject knowledge which is of value to the team.  Often, it is the obvious which the business has not asked themselves or they may fail to see the ‘elephant in the room’.  These sessions could take the form of 1:1 interviews, followed by 1:many review sessions plus observations of the team in action.

Coaching Rates: Coaching rates may be charged by the number of hours or sessions.  The quotation is customized according to the best fit for the situation.  To enquire on coaching, email us at info@cultureforte.com

4. Peer or Group Coaching: Group coaching has many benefits through bringing a group of people with similar goals together in an intimate coaching conversation space. Typically, the coaching investment also becomes more affordable.

Culture Forte is a certified partner of CoachingOurselves™ in Singapore. CoachingOurselves™ is peer-coaching for leadership development and organizational changes, resulting in thoughtful leadership and stronger organizations, contributing to a balanced society. It leverages the collective intelligence of the organization as participants explore expert content coupled with peer insights. Participants are empowered, individually and as a group, to improve themselves, their units, and their organization.

III. Our Coaching Solutions

A. One-to-One and Team Coaching

To partner companies looking to build a coaching culture, we offer 1:1 and team coaching sessions customized according to the needs of the client, using the various solutions and expertise under our belt.

B. Coaching Conversation workshop with GROW-S4

Our Coaching Conversation for Managers workshop develops managers as coach to grow individuals, teams and organizations to realize their potential. It is designed for participants to learn and practice how to effectively engage their team through coaching conversations to develop their people and take performance to the next level. Managers learn to conduct individual coaching conversations on behavioural patterns as well as broadening of mindsets that realises a person’s potential. Coaching methodology follow the G.R.O.W. model within the ICF coaching techniques.

C. SoundWave® Leader Coaching Solutions

The SoundWave® Leader Coaching solutions for leaders is a data-driven solution-focused methodology that aims to elevate the talk of leaders to build better conversations and maximize impact to the organizations architecting the culture, leadership and influence. SoundWave® brings self-awareness to the leaders’ preferred communication of 3 verbal styles and 9 voices and develops the voices to target their talk and shift the dialogue to shape the desired culture. We are integrating SoundWave® into our some of our leadership development workshops and executive coaching through the SoundWave Brilliance 3™, SoundWave™ Self-Perception and SoundWave™ 360 assessments.

Here are our Soundwave® Leader solutions. They can be followed by 1-1 or team coaching sessions.

  1. 2 sessions (1.25 hours per session) individual Soundwave® Executive Coaching package using Self-Perception assessments.
  2. 3 sessions (1.25 hours per session) individual Soundwave® Executive Coaching package using Self-Perception and 360 Feedback assessments
  3. 1-day Soundwave® Communications workshop using Brilliant 3 for up to 20 participants

D. CoachingOurselves® Peer-to-peer Coaching

The building blocks of a CoachingOurselves™ program are the discussion modules guiding the 120-minute sessions for small peer-learning groups. These provide content and questions to focus discussion on day-to-day managerial experiences and actions to improve performance. CoachingOurselves™ offers over 90 different topics on management and leadership and organization for directors, managers and frontliners. CoachingOurselves™ supports the development of over 25,000 managers and leaders every year and is available in 8 languages.

Develop your in-house leadership programmes or group coaching sessions in specific areas using the CoachingOurselves™ modules or our sample programme based on the Five Mindsets framework outlined by founders Professors Henry Mintzberg and Jonathan Gosling.

Programme for Directors

  1. Leading with Humility
  2. Silos and Slabs in Organizations
  3. Reflection
  4. Strategic Blindspots
  5. Two Models of Change
  6. Managing on Tightropes: The Inescapable Conundrums of Managing


Programme for Managers

  1. Accountability: It’s a Tricky World
  2. Influencing Others: Leading Through Trust
  3. Managing on the Planes of Information, People & Action
  4. Managing Conflict in Teams
  5. Probing into Culture
  6. Realizing the Power of Difference: Thinking Differently About Diversity

Programme for Individual Contributors

  1. Five Ideas about Teamwork
  2. Time to Dialogue
  3. Being a Catalytic Leader
  4. The Art of Helping
  5. Managing Time and Energy
  6. Career Anchors



Programme for HR

  1. Developing your People: The 70:20:10 Framework
  2. Coaching and Mentoring Others
  3. Engagement Beyond Buy-In
  4. Ordinary People, Extraordinary Leadership
  5. Realizing the Power of Difference: Thinking Differently About Diversity
  6. Foresight



To find out more about creating a coaching culture for your company, contact us.


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