Accountability Builder™
The Oz Principle Self Track
Lead Culture™
The Culture Shaping Track
Leadership Builder™
The Oz Principle Lead Others Track
The Partners In Leadership started almost 30 years ago with the Three Tracks To Creating Greater Accountability: Self Track™, Culture Track™, and Others Track™ Accountability Training and Consulting Services. Now known respectively as the Accountability Builder™, Lead Culture™ and Leadership Builder™, they form the most comprehensive and proven approach to creating greater workplace accountability. Our comprehensive workplace study on accountability suggests that improvements in workplace accountability at the individual, team and organizational level can yield significant improvements in performance and desired results in each of these areas. In fact, we surmise that accountability is the low-hanging fruit for optimizing organizational performance and accelerating organizational change efforts in today’s organizations, taking performance to the next level.
The research shows that a lack of personal accountability for achieving organizational results is a common organizational challenge:
Have you ever felt that you would have done things differently in your own company? 83% felt so.
Have you ever found yourself waiting to see if a situation would resolve itself? 63% have been in this situation.
Did you ever feel totally powerless, with no control over your circumstances or situation? 85% said yes.
Have you ever seen a problem developing in your organization but did nothing about it? 58% admitted they had.
Have you ever said, “Just tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do it”? 76% have fallen into this trap.
These results suggest that today’s dynamic business environment and tough economic times present even more challenging obstacles to getting results. These obstacles are real and often cause people to feel their ability to impact results is out of their control, leading to frustration, finger-pointing, blame and a general sense that they really can’t make the difference that they had hoped to make.
Helping Businesses Build Accountability, Develop Leaders, and Create Accountable Cultures
Partners In Leadership’s The Oz Principle Accountability Training provides a proven and powerful methodology for helping people at every level of the organization take greater personal accountability for overcoming the obstacles they face and asking “What else can I do?” to achieve key organizational results.
How you do accountability defines the working relationships fundamental to every activity that occurs within your organization. Accountability is the guiding principle that defines how we make commitments to one another, how we measure and report our progress, how we interact when things go wrong, how much ownership we take to get things done… It is, in essence, the nerve center that runs throughout every part of the organization, through every working relationship to every member of every team.
In many organizations, accountability is often done in a way that can actually sabotage your ability to get results. When we start working with a client, we often hear people describe accountability as something that happens to them when things go wrong, rather than something they do to themselves to ensure results and success. How you go about creating accountability matters. Often, it leads to what we call the Accountability Paradox: the harder you try to create accountability, the less accountable people actual become. This happens because people are reacting to the manner in which accountability is approached.
Accountability, done effectively, is a skill you can develop just like any other skill and while it is not a difficult skill to acquire and hone, it does require a high degree of conscious effort. When you do it right, you’ll also find it the fastest way to improve morale. Getting people to take personal ownership for advancing the mission of the organization and achieving key organizational results is the most important step an organization intent on performance improvement can take.
For over two decades, Partners In Leadership has tested and refined the implementation of our Accountability Training® results-producing principles and methodologies that assist leaders and teams in achieving their key results. These principles and practices of positive accountability are captured in their No. 1 New York Times Bestselling leadership book, The Oz Principle: Getting Results Through Individual and Organizational Accountability®.
Culture Forte is the Authorized Exclusive International Representative of Partners in Leadership’s Accountability Training in Singapore and Malaysia. Using the Accountability Training curriculum, we help people at all levels to create greater accountability for results in their organizations and on their teams.
Three Tracks to Greater Accountability
Founded on decades of research, the Partners In Leadership Accountability Training focuses on three innovative training tracks:
The ACCOUNTABILITY Builder™ (formerly Self Track™) Training
Redefine Accountability. Create Ownership. Drive Engagement. Enables people to rise above their circumstances and demonstrate the ownership necessary to achieve key results.
The Lead CULTURE™ (formerly Culture Track™) Training
Redefine Accountability. Create Ownership. Drive Engagement. Enables people to rise above their circumstances and demonstrate the ownership necessary to achieve key results.
The LEADERSHIP Builder™ (formerly Others Track™) Training
Strengthen Leadership. Execute Expectations. Overcome Challenges. Teaches people to effectively hold others accountable for results in a positive, principled way so that they successfully deliver on expectations. Shape Culture. Accelerate Change. Create a Culture of Accountability®. Accelerates the transition to a Culture of Accountability where people at every level of the organization think and act in the manner necessary to achieve key organizational results
Contact us to find out more. Download our CEO Edge articles on Creating a High Performance Culture of Accountability.
Let our experts give you a clear overview of our Accountability Training and Leadership solutions.