Transforming to High Performance Teams

Culture Forte has developed and offers workshops for organizations and teams in achieving higher performance:

  • Transformation To High Performance Teams
  • Conflict Management workshop through Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (TKI)
  • Stakeholders Alignment Workshops
  • Partners in Leadership® Accountability Builder™ – Holding individual accountability
  • Leadership Builder™ – Holding Others accountable

 Transforming Teams to High Performance Stage:

Bringing the team through the stages of development of Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing.

Team Identity COMPASS:  A team model that help teams create a strong Team Charter and Identity using a Personal and Team Compass.

Stakeholder Alignment Model (SAM):  A model which provide a systematic analysis of Stakeholders needs and asset inventory assessment.

INNOVATION: A board game providing simulation to learning the 4 Modes of Innovation.


Let our experts give you a clear overview of our Accountability Training and Leadership solutions.