Company Profile
Culture Forte (formerly Glides Consulting Partners) was founded in December 2013 and provides executive training, leadership development and coaching services. It is the Authorized Representative in Singapore and Malaysia of Partners in Leadership, a premier provider of Accountability Training and Culture Change services. Our clients are MNCs in diverse industries, as well as SMEs.
The company is now helmed by Managing Director, Henry Lee, who has 25 years corporate experience with 17 years in Microsoft, including senior management experience in various business units in the region.
Our associate partners are independent consultants, coaches and facilitators who share the Culture Forte vision. Each manages his/her unique clientele to provide complementary skills and services to them. With our seasoned corporate, training and consulting experience, and a growth mindset, we are primed to help our clients connect theory to reality, to be better leaders.
Our Vision
To be a premier partner for results-based transformation for individuals, teams and organizations.
Our Purpose
CultureForte practices and provides pragmatic customized solutions for our clients to exceed their current organizational results andtransform to exceed their future desired results.
Can your organization achieve the desired key results in three to five years if you continue to think and act the same way?
We partner companies in achieving key results through creating greater individual and organizational accountability and taking performance to the next level. We do this through the Partners in Leadership Three Tracks to Creating Greater Accountability® and other leadership solutions.
Our Key Areas Of Focus of Work Are
Accountability Training™ and Culture Change Services
We offer 3 tracks – Accountability Builder™, Leadership Builder™, Lead Culture™and Culture Change Services.
Team Transformation
Stakeholder Alignment Workshop and Transformation to High Performance Teams Workshop. Rejuvenate past performers who may be facing new challenges or take current high potential performers to the next level.
Executive Coaching or Team Coaching.
Apply a people-centric process to innovate for results